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20160213-DSCF6301.jpgThrough the Static 20150130.jpg20170325-DSCF0221.jpgMorning Magic 20140323.jpgFortitude 20140323.jpgOvercome (Ithaca Falls) 20150104.jpgWalking Through Wonderland.jpgWinter Textures 20140208.jpgSnowy Hike20141230.jpgTrees in Snowstorm 1 20150130.jpgThrough the Static 20150130-2.jpgTrees in Snowstorm 2 20150130.jpgResting Orchard 20150307.jpgSnow on a Sunny Day 20160111.jpgHanging on 1 20150314.jpgBeebe Siloutte 20140531.jpgTree Shadow Abstract 20150203.jpgWinter Willows 1 20150320.jpgWinter Willows 2 20150320.jpgUntitled (Icy Niagra).jpg